Red barnet
Red barnet is Denmark’s largest children’s rights organization. They are a member of the world’s largest independent children’s rights organization, Save the Children. Red barnet works in Denmark and more than 120 other countries where they fight for children’s rights. Read more here
Koncept Tech sponsors their great efforts in connection with the war in Ukraine.

Each year, the five Julemærkhjem help up to 1,000 children aged 7-14. The children struggle with loneliness, bullying and dissatisfaction. When the children come to Julemærkehjem, they get help to find their strengths and build their self-esteem, so that they can again join communities. Read more here
Koncept Tech sponsors Julemærkehjemmene to help give children a fresh start.
Knæk Cancer
Knæk Cancer is Denmark’s largest and annual effort against cancer, where TV 2 and the Danish Cancer Society jointly gather the Danes in a strong and active community against cancer and raise money for research, prevention and patient support. The goal is that fewer people get cancer, that more people survive cancer and have a better life after cancer. Read more here
Koncept Tech supports the annual Knæk cancer fundraiser.

The association Veteranskytterne is dedicated to current and former soldiers who have been injured in connection with service, as well as their relatives. The majority of these soldiers have been seriously injured or otherwise affected by their deployment. Read more here
Koncept Tech supports the brand Veterans’ Charity Coffee and has held event in collaboration with Veteranskytterne Challenge Denmark.
Sydhavsøerne hjælper Ukraine
The NGO Sydhavsøerne hjælper Ukraine cooperates with volunteers who have the time and desire to help in Ukraine and they have a collaboration with the NGO Medical Aid Committee’s base in Ukraine, which is currently helping with rehousing and other humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.
Koncept Tech supports Sydhavsøerne hjælper Ukraine and we have helped with support regarding transport to the crisis-affected areas in Ukraine.